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Bernauer & Benetics: A Partnership for Success

With a workforce of over 150, Bernauer manages more than 4,000 projects annually. The company offers a comprehensive range of electrical and ICT telecom services, from concept development to execution and handover. Since July 2022, Bernauer has proudly been one of the pioneering development partners of Benetics
  • Trade: Building Services Engineering
  • Employees: >150
  • Location: Stäfa, Switzerland

The Challenge

“Time is always one of our toughest opponents,” says Beno Stettler, a seasoned project manager at Bernauer. Having been with the company for five years, Beno has witnessed its growth and understands the complex challenges the industry faces. Project managers like him juggle multiple construction projects simultaneously, from small renovations to large-scale new builds, each with its own set of requirements. The increasing pace of the industry often leads to last-minute changes, making efficient communication between the office and the construction site critical. “Our technicians need instant access to up-to-date information, including clearly defined tasks, current plans, and rapid responses to any questions.”

How Benetics Made a Difference

Since the introduction of Benetics, communication between the construction site and the office has significantly improved. “Our team collaboration was pretty good before Benetics, but we knew there was room for greater efficiency. While WhatsApp was useful, it wasn’t the optimal solution.” The need for a construction-specific digital solution had been recognized for some time, but the right tool was missing.

Beno Stettler, Bernauer project lead

After consulting with Bernauer’s leadership, Beno decided to test the Benetics app with a small team of electricians on a single project. The results were immediate – time savings were realized across various tasks and processes. From work preparation to task completion and photo documentation, everything was handled directly through the Benetics app on their smartphones. Seeing the potential, Bernauer decided to deepen its partnership with Benetics. Together, they customized the app to meet the unique needs of building technicians. The enhanced app was then rolled out on a larger project involving 10 technicians working on a new development of 120 residential units spread across 15 buildings. The results were impressive. “For me, as the lead electrician, saving up to an hour each day was a game-changer,” says Pirmin Haefliger. “Previously, we’d often walk back to the storage room to check printed plans. Now, everyone has them in their pocket on their phone. Benetics doesn’t eliminate the need for printed plans, but we rely on them much less.”

The app also streamlined the process of handling unexpected tasks and additional work, making it quicker and more thorough than before. Communication between Pirmin, the on-site team, and Beno in the office became smoother and more efficient. Issues were resolved faster, reducing the need for Beno to be physically present at the site.

An unexpected benefit was the positive impact on apprentices. “Because they can independently view the overall project progress on their phones, they’re better informed and feel more connected to the entire project. In the past, phone use on-site was sometimes restricted due to potential distractions, but that’s no longer an issue.”

Today, several project managers at Bernauer and their teams use the Benetics software. The app continues to evolve, driven by the valuable feedback from Bernauer and the strong partnership they’ve cultivated.

Top 3 Benefits of the Benetics App According to Bernauer

  • Time Savings: Up to 1 hour saved daily for lead electricians and technicians.
  • Fewer Interruptions: More efficient communication with the project manager, allowing them to focus on other priorities.
  • Quick Onboarding:  Easy to adopt for technicians of all experience levels.
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